Oda Victoria Reitan (f. 1992) is a Norwegian painter.
Her Color Harmonies are born to the sound of classical music, as she seeks to create an atmosphere of the contrasts between darkness and light, calm and intensity. When she paints she moves the brush to the rythm of the music, as if to transfer the harmony from the notes and onto the canvas.
Reitan is officially commissioned by Enova Trondheim. Her paintings are sold to private collectors throughout Norway, as well as in Los Angeles, London, Brussels, Berlin, Munich, Vienna, and more.

May 2024: Collaboration / live performance with Porsche
Macan Sneak preview, Oslo
Juni 2023: "Carnal Love", Pop-Up. Milano: Spazio Brera
Mars 2023: Pop-Up. Oslo: Galleri Nora
Desember 2022: "Chiaroscuro". Oda Victoria Reitan x Afrodite by MG. Oslo: Galleri Vibes
November 2022: "Carnival of the Animals". Trondheim: Galleri Lilje
September 2022: "Carnival of the Animals". Oslo: Galleri Vibes
August 2022: "En trøndersk kunstflora". Rennebu: Håggåsetra
Juni 2022: Polestar Space Trondheim
Mars 2022: "Love Ukraine" Støttekonsert og utstilling, K.U.K Kjøpmannsgata Ung Kunst, Trondheim
Juni 2021: «Fargespill» Galleri Lilje, Ferstad Gård, Trondheim
August 2019: Got It For Cheap/ Velvet Ropes, Galleri Golsa,
Oslo and Dora Sjøsiden, Trondheim
Oktober 2018: Modern Art Gallery, Trondheim
Februar 2018: Utstiller på Rå Smak Spiseri, Asker
September 2017: Elverum Kunstforening
August 2017: Galleri Mølla, Melhus
Februar 2017: Offentlig innkjøp: Enova, Trondheim
Februar 2017: O+O for Difference 50-års jubileum
November 2016: Galleri Havstad, Vimpelfabrikken, Drøbak, Norway
August 2016: Summer Exhibtion, O+O
Juni 2016: Jølstramuseet, Jølster, Norway
Juni 2016: Sommerutstilling, Galleri Fenka, Levanger, Norway. Hovedutstiller Pushwagner.
Mai 2016: Bryggeutstillingen, Råkvåg, Norway
September 2015: Galleri S, Kleive, Norway
Mai 2015: Ashok Jain Gallery, New York
2019-2021 : Master i Kunsthistorie og visuelle studier,
Universitetet i Oslo
"Voks som materiale, metafor og memento mori:
Et møte med Urs Fischers "Untitled" (2011)"
2016-2019: Bachelor i Kunsthistorie, NTNU
2012-2015: Bachelor i Kunst og kunstformidling,
Høyskolen i Oslo og Akershus